Does your budding student have any of these issues?
If you need any of these problems fixing, then this Study Skills Course is the right course for you.
"Studying" long hours but seeing no improvement in grade.
Feeling overwhelmed by the shear volume of work, and not knowing where to start.
Wanting to work but having no idea of how to learn any of it.
They have tried all the study tricks and nothing seems to work for them.
Won't do anything without having to be nagged to death first.
Course curriculum
Instructions for this course
How to Use the Mini-Course Template
Welcome to the course!
A message from your instructor
How to use this course
Before we begin...
Ok let's start from the beginning.
Helping yourself and getting help.
Let's get organised - it is time to timetable.
What about the phone, music and other distractions?
It is all about the timing.
Test your learning
Getting the information in
Flash cards
Spaced practice and interleaving
Other ways of getting the information in
More resources for you
Test your learning
Getting the information out
Blank paper
Exam questions
Test your learning
Working from failure
Exam time
How to cope with the stress of it all
What to do when you have tried something and it doesn't work for you
Before you go...
Stefano - Student
Silvia - Parent
Beata - Parent
Shakira - Parent
Christie - Student
Who is this course for?
Anyone from 11 onwards! If you are on a progressive educational course that has an exam at the end, then this is for you.
Why do I have to purchase this course before going on your waitlist?
The reason that I advise this is because it gives the student the tools to implement before we start working together. Sometimes the student won't need to work with me 1-1 if they implement everything effectively.
Should I buy this course or get a tutor?
They are not mutually exclusive. Many students find that they no longer need a tutor after they have done the course, but some will still need help in a specific subject. It really depends on what is best for the student.